Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Can Twitter deliver the Big Picture?

Great story at TwiTip from Nov. 2008. That's long before Twitter became so mainstream even your grandmother is doing it (

Author Darren Rowse asked this November 23, 2008:

"On Twitter more than any other new service the question arises: can you be a journalist? Is 140 characters enough to convey more than a headline would? Do multiple tweets make a narrative?
Is Twitter a viable, standalone medium for journalism? What do you think?"

Check it out. What do you think?


  1. I don't think Twitter is a standalone medium for journalism, but it is a very great way to find out breaking news. What it does, is cause us to look for more information. In that sense, it is a wonderful channel TOWARDS journalism. For example, @newsbanner posted today that there were videos of the Bluffton Show Choir up on the website. My sister is in the choir so I immediately went to the site. Another example, remember the Hudson river crash? People were posting that there had been a crash, so we all (or at least I did) went to or turned on the news to get more information. Twitter DIRECTED me to the news. It didn't provide enough information to stand alone, however.

  2. Haley is so right - twitter is a great medium for getting our interest - but if it is something we are truly interested in, we search it out on regular news channels (News Banner, CNN, WSJ, etc.) I like that twitter gives me a heads-up on topics.
