Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day on Twitter!

It's been 40-years since the day someone thought burning rivers and massive tracts of deforested Amazonian rain forest might not be so good for the planet.

U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson first proposed the idea in a speech in 1969. Since then, the idea of a day devoted to remembering this is the only Earth we have has spread around the globe...

@BohoMag Earth Day is every day at boho! Happy Earth day everybody! What are you doing to make the earth a better place?...

@CanarsieBK Earth Day 2010: 40 years of environmental awareness via @CBSSmartPlanet

@wellnesstravel Inspirational, energizing, grounding, #Nature is the most accessible alternative therapy. Happy #Earth Day

@nyclq RT @whitneymuseum: In celebration of Earth Day, read up on environmentalist, humanitarian & past exhib subj Buckminster Fuller #earthday

@JohnSchlimm Happy #Earth Day!!! How are you going to celebrate? I'm headed into the blooming woods of #Pennsylvania

@Dreman1731 I'll celebrate Earth Day by cutting my grass. It's a mess out there.

@aliciaghio Happy Earth Day. But don't forget to make every day Earth Day.

@Rutabega80 1300+ students all wearing green and jeans!! Happy Earth Day!!!

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