Thursday, March 17, 2011

Flogging Molly For St. Patrick's Day

If you are wearing green and a "Kiss Me I'm Irish" button today, you might just be celebrating St. Patrick's day. And why not? It is the one day of the year everyone in American can claim some little bit of Irish heritage and if they can't, well, we won't hold it against them.

As long as you are feeling Irish why not tune in some great Irish music with the band, Flogging Molly...they are all the rage on the Twitter:

@AOLRadio Listen to our St. Patrick's Day radio station of Irish Pub Songs! Dropkick Murphys, Flogging Molly & more.

@Cosmaidi How in the hell am I gonna find time to workout between Guinness cookies, potato cakes, and Flogging Molly?! Geeze.

@jjochwat Started a St. Paddy's Day radio stn. with Flogging Molly, Great Big Sea, and the Waterboys. This is also known as "Getting your white on."

@PsychNurseinWI Flogging Molly is trending, sweet we go see them at Summerfest (when we can afford it)

@BlazingLily Would it be weird to wear a Bob Dylan conert T to a Flogging Molly concert?

@jusbrowneyes I shall listen to lots of flogging molly today....and then be sad that I'm gonna miss their oakland show :(

@mizzle 3 sheets to the wind ... Thank you Flogging Molly! Happy St. Patrick's Day!! ♫

@SenatorGiggity So todays the day everyone pretends they love Flogging Molly, huh?

@brittneybelle88 Listening to some Flogging Molly to celebrate. Happy St Patrick's Day!!

@Eaumma Oi, Flogging Molly & Guinness c:!

@pverel It just wouldn't be a proper St. Patrick's Day without some Flogging Molly. Sláinte! #floggingmolly #rockingout

@OMGoodman It's St. Patrick's day and the choir isn't even wearing green. The least they could do is throw a Flogging Molly cover in there #chapelo ...

@FunnyBunnyLarue I fear for our future. RT @kwmurphy: Had to explain to my niece, a Flogging Molly fan, who the Pogues are. Seriously.

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