Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Julius Caesar on Twitter

Julius Caesar died 2054 years ago this week, and yet he has managed to make it to the top of the Trending Topics list on Twitter.
That might have something to do with the way he died, stabbed by his senators, or maybe it has something to do with the play written by William Shakespeare. Or maybe it is our love with all things ancient--whatever it is, Julius Caesar is still a hot topic.....

@sian_k Impressed twitter picked up on the whole Julius Caesar & the ides of march thing, what with today being the ides of march & all

@True2LifeMusic Today is 'The Ides of March', the day on which Julius Caesar was betrayed & assassinated by his fellow Senators in 44 B.C. #WatchYourBack

@inboundmildred Julius Caesar failed to 'beware the Ides of March' and was assassinated on this day. What a shame. He really knew how to toss a salad.

@DustyTrice I also like how Twitter has had some Historical trending topics lately. Yesterday, Einstein. Today Julius Caesar. Thanks nerds.

@D_Livesay To help remember Julius Caesar's death, I might have to get myself a Brutus Salad at work tonight (thats a caesar salad with a knife in it)

@ElleanoreRigby Julius Caesar was killed on March 15th 44 B.C. He was told beware "the Ides of March" prior to being killed..thus why Ides are stil around

@B_Lyrikal One this day today Julius Caesar was killed. WHO GIVES A SHIT ABOUT JULIUS or #ideasofmarch ?? Not me.

@choochoobear "Julius Caesar" was the first Shakespeare play I read on my own - I was 13. It will always have a place in my heart, and many in my back.

@HoustonTaxHelp Experience is the teacher of all things. -Julius Caesar

@BaltimoreTom Sileo in pacis Julius Caesar. Goodnight dulcis Procer. #idesofmarch

@I_JustLiedToYou Today is the day Julius Caesar was stabbed in the back by the biggest snake of them of all, his friend -____-

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