Thursday, March 3, 2011

McLobster anyone?

You can learn something new every day on the Twitter. Today I learned McDonald's sells a McLobster sandwich, but only on the northeastern coast of the U.S. and at some stores in Canada.
The McLobster looks a little dicey to me, but apparently is quite popular in the places where it is sold.
Lobster at McDonald's. Who knew? Twitter users knew....

@Interniowsnx Thinking about trying the McLobster today. I hope you taste good. #fb

@frenchvision #chucknorris won't even eat #McLobster

@CaylaPriest Is it sad that I had to check the #mclobster hashtag to see if it was another Sheen-ism?

@334HoodNews McDonalds will add McLobster to the menu ...#serioustweet ....ikwtf?

@newmania I ate McLobster before it was cool. On a road trip to the Maritimes with my mom. That's how you know it wasn't cool.

@Viva_La_Mica The #McLobster meal comes w/a free McRoller limited time offer! Hurry hurry hurry Lol

@NotChrisRock The McDonald's employee who came up with the idea for the #McLobster needs to get punched in his chest 'til he breaks a #McRib

@ImFresh4Ever Death 2 all Mc rib and Mclobster eaters

@frenchvision #McLobster is wat the person thought of after drinking all the flavors of #4lokos

@StrangeJuggalo McLobster sounds like the newest craze in food poisoning, either that or the newest rapper straight outta Augusta.

@LadyDeuce1922 @likwidnupe3 The thought of "McLobster" seriously makes me want to hurl. lol

@anakkece They actually have freaking McLobster??? #intrigued #curious

@MontriaAnderson just saw another picture of a mclobster on facebook that someone actually purchased, & omg............................i'm sick to my stomach

@KUKULCRAZY Mclobster=Mcpukeonabun

@OhsoSupraaa A Mclobster? Seriously? A lobster in fast food form? It's like degrading the quality of it :-? Well if its here in yeah

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