Thursday, December 16, 2010

Super Triple Holiday on Twitter

Today is the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, the publication of Einstein's Theory of Relativity and the day Oliver Cromwell was sworn in as Lord Protector of England. I'd call that a 'Super Triple Holiday!'
We should all have the day off from work, with pay. and free beer.

Twitter remembers this day. Mostly they recall the Boston Tea Party. This might be due to the current incarnation of the Tea Party as a political movement.

@monkfishes Boston Tea Party, Theory of Relativity published, Oliver Cromwell sworn in as Lord Protector of England. Happy day after Bill of Rights day!

@summahsux RT @GOPLeader On this date in 1773, the Boston Tea Party took place #teaparty

@ARealBeat Boston Tea meet Lipton Tea mmmmmm...... Lol

@sjsar30 Today, in 1773, a group of colonists in Boston destroyed 342 chests of tea by throwing it in the harbor.

@LongBranch1811 Today was the Boston Tea Party!

@theselflobby Happy Boston Tea Party Day! #nowamericansdrinkcoffee

@alya_sulaiman Speaking of Boston Tea, I'm so sad that Tea Luxe on Newbury closed! boo hoo. They had the best caramel-infused earl grey.

@BostonTweet On this day in 1773 the Boston Tea Party occurred when colonists, in objection to the Tea Act, dumped 342 chests of tea into the Harbor.

@GeneTaylorUSA Today is the 237th Anniversary of the BOSTON TEA PARTY. Sadly, the U.S. Govt is now WORSE than the Brits were. #TeaParty #TCOT #912 #GOP

@VIPEMILLIONS Fuck the Boston tea bag party Palin can hug my nutz

@doorsunopened RT @BorowitzReport: Sarah Palin tweets: "On this day in 1773, the Boston Tea Party accused King George III of being born in Kenya."

@pinotblogger @DebHarkness Boston Harbor tea? A fine blend of select Ceylon and Darjeeling teas.

@99bottlesbeer Raise an ale in remembrance of the Boston Tea Party! 'Twas 237 years ago today that tea was dumped due to taxation...

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