Friday, December 3, 2010

Unemployment rate sets Twitter aflame

Twitter users are spinning about the ever rising U.S. unemployment rate and the fact Congress has failed to renew unemployment benefits for the nearly 2 million people who will lose their benefits over the next few weeks.

Democrats. Republicans. Independents. Libertarians. Nobody is happy. And their anger and frustration is beginning to boil over....

@DepressedDarth The unemployment rate can't be as high as it was after the Death Star blew up. So many stormtroopers lost their jobs that day.

@PatVitsky BOO-HISS....Unemployment rate jumps to 9.8% #RMA #RVA

Well Unemployment ran out for 2 million people. Watch the crime rate go up.

@news999 Stocks fall as unemployment rate rise disappoints: [AP] - Stocks are falling in early trading after a report sho...

@BestWorstAdvice How can we lower the unemployment rate? Give out jobs. Hand and blow.

@shhhhNinja Nice unemployment rate, #Obama.

@Toney_Sr 'Going nowhere': Unemployment rate hits 9.8% in glum jobs report

@Rheamali Forex - November Employment Report: 39000 Jobs, 9.8% Unemployment Rate: The unemployment rate edged up to 9.8 pe...

@TownGrouch Hey, don't blame the Unemployment Rate on me! In deference to the economic crisis I've not tried to get a cashier fired in 4 or 5 days now.

@MMFlint Unemployment rate goes up this morning to 9.8%. The real rate (those off the rolls) is over 17%. Pres Obama, pls find your inner Roosevelt.

@Drawnlines Nearly halfway through Obama's presidency, unemployment rate climbing. #BlameBush #fail

@michaelshapcott Official Canadian unemployment rate down, as large number of youth drop out of job market #canpoli

@fuzislippers Worst. Jobs. President. Since Great Depression. THANKS BARACK… Unemployment Rate Jumps to 9.8% in November

@WalterGa Unemployment is back up to 9.8%? Gee, I hope the Fed didn't fudge the pre-election rate to help Dems #tcot

@CITIZENSBANKFX The Canadian economy created 15K jobs last month, the 5th month in a row of little change. The unemployment rate fell to 7.6% in November

@FeedTheBull As much hype as there was this week on the positive job growth, the unemployment rate rose to 9.8% #mkt #bull $$

@SeanGerlis Guess lot ppl realized these r w/o benefits. RT @nprnews: Unemployment Rate Jumps To 9.8 Percent

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