Friday, July 23, 2010

What do you fear? Hope it's not sharing...

The Trending Topic today is what you fear and Twitter users fear much. And they don't mind telling you all about it
#OneOfMyFears is the latest hashtag to make its way around the Twitter. Users seem to fear so many thngs, within a couple minutes there's another 100 or so waiting at the top of my search screen...let's take a peek:

@x_tinaaa08 #OneOfMyFears is not living up to my potential

@blakeandthecity #OneOfMyFears Is letting my guards down only to be hurt again.

@912mal #oneofmyfears I think that's about it

@lilmissboltpeep #oneofmyfears dyin early and not enjoy my life fully

@jasondeurlo #oneofmyfears is to get on a plane and there be a terrorist on it

@JamesD1CK #oneofmyfears being a tourist in another state and walking into a club and then realizing its a gay club. #nobueno

@DARKSKIN_SWAGG #oneofmyfears in life is losing the #1 person in my life my moms

@Mojogenie4 #OneOfMyFears Souja Boy having a number 1 album

@stevesminivan #oneofmyfears that a republican will be our next president

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