Monday, January 31, 2011

Federal voids Obama Health Care Plan

Senior US District Judge Roger Vinson declared the entire Obama administration's health-care overhaul unconstitutional on Monday.
Vinson wasn't happy to simply pick and choose the specific parts he had trouble with. He felt obligated to legislate from the bench, and strike down the new law as wholly unconstitutional.

Needless to say, some folks are happy, some folks are unhappy. I would guess their joy (or lack thereof) is directly proportional to their income level and whether or not they currently have health insurance....go figure.

@KeithOlbermann Let's hear it for FL GOP Judge Roger Vinson, ruling against the health and economic safety of Floridians #ActivistHackJudges

@brianbeutler By voiding the entire #hcr law, Vinson's redefining judicial activism in a way even John Roberts doesn't accept

@femmefm Judge Vinson will soon regret his decision when all the toxic BP oilspill corexit crap starts killing his constituents, slooooowly.

@egbegb Judge Vinson's decision can be read here and an excellent summary Non-separability is ironic. #tcot #tlot #p2 #teaparty

@wayne_oliver "Because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire Act must be declared void.," Judge Vinson. #CHT_Health

@JulieKayRoberts I just realized that Judge Vinson is the same person that I grew up with his kids in Pensacola. Small world. Proud of him.

@femmefm Judge Vinson: health care law unconstitutional, but it's ok to foreclose without proper documentation; 25 per hour!

@RCTPTN Thank you Judge Vinson.

@egdolber Judge Vinson Adopts Tea Party Rhetoric In Overturning Health Reform: Moments ago, U.S…

@CrustyB Florida Judge Vinson to Obama: "Say hello to my little friend: The Constitution!"

@Doc_0 Reporter: Is O-Care constitutional? Nancy Pelosi: Are you serious? Judge Vinson: YES.

@georgetalbot Alabama AG Luther Strange on the #healthcare ruling: “This is a great ruling by Judge Vinson." #alpolitics

@diggrbiii Judicial Activism is when a judge expands a law beyond what is written in the law or Constitution. Vinson did the opposite, you #p2 dolts.

@step2right Sr US Dist Judge Vinson agreed w/ 26 states that new law violates people's rights by forcing them to buy health insurance or face penalties.

@albertemartinez Judge Vinson surges ahead of Romney and Huckabee in GOP 2012 polls.

@bonjonesy RT Woooo! One judge with a brain! @ColoDirtFarmer: Judge Vinson rules #healthcare law unconstitutional!!!

@CFHeather RT @nnealwhitefield: Judge Vinson quotes from the Federalist Papers: Powers Not Delegated ~

@dmataconis Interesting opinion from Judge Vinson. I (& Judge Hudson) think he's wrong on severability. It's hard to get too excited over a USDC ruling.

@kobrien_pd Great work by Judge #Vinson. Clear logic. Sharp analogies. #Obamacare doesn't cut the mustard, constitutionally.

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