Friday, August 6, 2010

Hiroshima Day; 65 years later

On August 6, 1945, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. It was the first-ever use of atomic weapons against an adversary and, following a similar attack against the city of Nagasaki, led to the surrender of the Japanese and the end of World War II.

Today, Hiroshima is a Trending Topic on Twitter as folks remember the horrors of war and the benefits of peace....

@WorldHistory101 At 8:16 a.m. (Japanese time) on August 6, 1945, an American B-29 bomber, the Enola Gay, dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan.

@revistapolitica RT @lamonse “Little boy”, se llamaba bomba nuclear lanzada sobre Hiroshima la mañana del 6 agosto 1945, hace 65 años:

@mutiaasharya Woa yeah. Hiroshima's trending. 65th anniversary after the bomb which had destructed the city. It was August 6th 1945.

@neiltyson Aug 6,1945 Hiroshima A-bomb kills 100,000. Tokyo firebombs 5 months before kill as many. Bombs kill, no matter what's in them

@NSZKI CNN; Hiroshima anniversary brings U.N. head's call for disarmament.

@ABC Survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Attacks Call for Nuclear-Free World: #hiroshima

@yokoono » On Hiroshima Day. Let’s Think Peace, Act Peace, Spread Peace, and IMAGINE PEACE

@loreio "We must reflect on war and the the causes of war, not just nuclear weapons." @ Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum

@thearystocrat hey, it's the anniversary of something horrible today. #Hiroshima

@cumi_stg #hiroshima というタグで検索をすると、いろんな国の人が色んな言葉で色んな経験や視点で自分なりの #hiroshima を語っている。なのになんで世界はこうなんだろうね。

@WWAHHMpreneur Hiroshima: U.S. Attends Ceremony for the First Time - ABC News -- definitely is about time

@Tzarimas Let's take a moment to reflect on the horror that befell the people of #Hiroshima on this day, 65 years ago. #peace

@nigenet 65 years ago today the atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. In memory of the victims and with hope for our future free of nuclear weapons

@KyintheSky Hiroshima. Don't forget. History forgotten, is repeated.

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