Thursday, August 26, 2010

You know what's Trending? #youknowwhatsannoying

So, you're sitting at your desk annoyed at your co-workers wondering what the folks on Twitter are doing, and suddenly you realize, they are annoyed too!
Today's Trending Topic:


Let the ranting begin....

@DamnItsTrue #youknowwhatsannoying text someone a long message and get a 1 word answer! #DamnItsTrue

@ambercharbonnet #youknowwhatsannoying calling someone and them not answering the phone, then saying "I just didn't feel like it"

@JasmineMinators #youknowwhatsannoying ? you were in my life !

@dredzntats24 RT @farouq1: #youknowwhatsannoying when someone send 5 messages before u send one

@HALFRICKAN #youknowwhatsannoying ppl that take forever to order their food.

@BeautyBind #youknowwhatsannoying Being compared to air-brushed, lifted, botox injected, extension laden women that would melt if sitting by a radiator.

@AnBilly #YouKnowWhatsAnnoying those chain Messages saying "send it to 10 people and sonething good might happen"

@JASMINEVILLEGAS #youknowwhatsannoying when someone keeps blowing up ur phone! if i didnt answer the first 10 times what makes u think im gonna answer on 11

@What2Quote #youknowwhatsannoying ppl who RT "ur life's sad if u say #twitterismylife" Twitter is made 4 communicating 2 ppl & it gets me lots of fun.

@alexwilb #youknowwhatsannoying when someones mad at you for no reason, and they wont give you a reason.

@blueikaos #youknowwhatsannoying - Using your teeth on a fork! ARG!

@maddiedocx #youknowwhatsannoying when your phone battery runs out..just when you need to use it!

@rohneas #youknowwhatsannoying Bieber.

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