Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Facebook down? Never fear!

Facebook appears to be down for many users across the globe. Not everyone is affected, however. In fact, the News-Banner Facebook profile and page are both working properly even as I write these words...(knock wood.)

However, for many, many people, their day has officially started on the wrong foot. And they are voicing their dismay at this turn of events on Twitter, making #FacebookDown a Trending Topic.

@Nathan4791 With Facebook Down I give it 3 hours before people start eating each other.

@mashable Facebook Down for Many Users - http://mash.to/2xfat

@worrallo Oh Dear #Facebook is DOWN! How long before mass riots?

@Camb078 Facebook down and Youtube is super slow :S

@MarlonMoncrieff Never seen that before - Facebook in the UK is down?? "Firefox can't find the server at www.facebook.com"

@PatyGracindo Facebook #down =/

@ipavlovi Facebook is down. Long live the freedom!

@_Chappers_ facebook down. how long before someone blogs about this significant event.

@JanTheRef #Facebook is down! Ahu!

@danitanton @ThomSonny Yeh I think so. How will we survive while Facebook is down?

@asaaki Wenn Facebook down ist, ist das wie eine Google-Auszeit: Viele sind ihrer Netz-Aorta beraubt und nicht mehr lebensfähig!

@Savatte @Romainrock si il est pas down comme Facebook ;-D

@Jessy_Spears @JBieberUK_ is down, Facebook is closed for holidays today hahahahaha

@Artisson #facebook down : la productivité en entreprise monte de 15%

@felipeschuery Facebook fora do ar, daí você lê a moça no Twitter: "Droga, Facebook down!!! Eu tenho planos para hoje à noite, não sei mais usar email!"

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