Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Stig outed! Twitter aflame!

The BBC hit series "Top Gear" relies on its principal character "The Stig" to test drive various types of cars in various types of circumstances. In the rain, through the desert, across public highways, etc.
The catch is, completely covered in a racing suit and visored helmet, no one has known who he was. Until now:

"Racing driver Ben Collins has been revealed as The Stig after the High Court refused to grant the BBC an injunction blocking the publication the Top Gear star's autobiography."

Collins apparently outed himself in an effort to publish an autobiography, much as the original "Black Stig" did in 2002. No doubt a new Stig will now be chosen, whose identity will also be concealed--for about seven years or so.

@lucarsmyself OH MY GOD, The Stig's identity has been revealed. I can't believe that, I'm shocked. WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO NOW? 2012 antecipated!

@LibraryLJE Just get it over and one with - tell us who the Stig is and then we can go back to not really caring....

@Queen_UK Who'd have thought Mr Blair is 'The Stig'? One didn't realise he could even drive.

@CCTomo SEE PIC Top Gear's The Stig's identity is revealedNow Celebrity News

@davidschneider I guess now we must replace the question "Who is the Stig?" with the question "Who is Ben Collins?"

@AshleyBard So it's out... Ben Collins is Top Gear's Stig... funny considering he's Clarkson's cousin! #startinguntruerumour

@SkyNewsBreak The Stig has been named as Ben Collins after BBC loses court attempt to block publication of his autobiography

@DrSamuelJohnson I can hold my Countenance no further. 'neath the Helmet lies a Frock-Coat, for I am mask'd Coachman The STIG

@distant_angel The Stig was always going to be unknown to us. If we'd heard of him, he wouldn't be reduced to being Clarkson's faceless monkey boy #fb

@_Caoimhe @Daniel_Connolly no.. im the Stig.

@ardvarc Actually the best part about this Stig nonsense is that I've known it was Ben Collins for about five years now.

@LauraLeslie23 How funny would it be if they made the next Stig Pink...I reckon Blue Stig blue :)

@greenrd Why is the BBC wasting license fee money on a futile battle to protect the identity of a bit part player in a comedy show? #stig

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